Graduation takes 2.5 days. A lot longer than I remember from when I did it but as the parents, you sort of go with the flow. It also involved way more clothe than I typically wear in a month. As someone that thinks that nice shorts are good enough for a formal event, I was in for a shock. We arrived at our hotel and switched out of our flying clothe and into business casual clothe for the first event. We did sneak in a snack first. You will find that eating and changing are recurring themes of graduating. I went Vegan for about 20 minutes as I ate a falafel from the place next to the hotel. It was quite good but my Vegan adventure did not last. After that it was off to the Law Campus to begin the graduation process.

We attended a reception to celebrate the students that had contributed to a professors book, our daughter included. We had light appetizers here and they offered cake but I passed. It was vanilla, whats the point in that? This was followed by the first of two graduations that we would attend. The school does 7 graduations over 2 days by law class section. The advantage is that they are fast. Each lasts 35-40 minutes and graduates around 100 students. Section 2 kicked off at 5 PM and we were there to see Sam’s boyfriend.
After the ceremony there was another reception where we had heavy hors d’oeuvres. We then headed back towards Sam's place, picked up dinner along the way and brought it back to her apartment where we all ate and congratulated the first graduate.
After our early start Friday we slept in Saturday. Saturday had started very rainy. We had good luck with the weather from a flying perspective, less so with graduation. Keeping with the food theme, mid day we grabbed some snacks and then headed over to graduation two a bit early to get good seats. The rain came down but we had borrowed a hotel umbrella so we stayed mostly dry. It was deja vu all over again as the two ceremonies were quite similar. Samantha walked across the stage and just like that, she graduated. If I knew it was that easy, I would have snuck in line. Graduation is high tech now. Each student was given a QR code. As they reached the stage, the code was scanned and the name which was pre recorded was read.

We again attended the reception and had the same food options as a Friday. This time we knew what was tastiest so we focused on the best food. Sam gave us a tour of the library and showed us all the places she supposedly studied. Not sure I believe that she did but we went along with the program. We had just enough time to head back to the hotel, snack, clean up and head out for the graduation Gala.
The Gala was at the a National Portrait Gallery. The building has a stunning courtyard which was transformed for the event. We arrived on time and at first it was open and empty, a bit later it was chock full of people. After another meal, some photos and two dessert, we headed off to see the portraits.
We have been before but I alway enjoy the gallery, especially the Hall of Presidents. It was quite popular, I was not the only history nerd present. We then cruised the other halls enjoying the art. After a while the lady’s complained that their feet were starting to hurt, I was fine but then again I wasn’t wearing heels. We headed back to the hotel to rest up for Sunday.
Sunday we had to be up early, we were supposed to depart for Georgetown the campus at noon. Commencement was at 3 but it’s about 20 minutes away and Sam had to check in at 1:30. We would use the time to stroll the area. We have always spent our time touring around the national mall so this was new to us. We departed not quite knowing what to expect. She already graduated, what would commencing do? Also it was supposed to have Jerome Powell but we were told he got COVID so we continued on blind faith.
Samantha drove us to Georgetown the area and we found a parking garage. We wandered a bit and then sent Samantha to check in. We hung out and ate lobster rolls and then cruised the area a bit before making our way over to the campus. It was all set up on a nice green lush lawn. The only issue is that it has rained all Saturday and the ground here is not like Florida which is sandy and tends to percolate quickly. This became one big mud puddle.
After crossing through some squishy ground, I found us some of the few seats on a brick path under the tent. I was quite happy with our selection. The graduates started marching in slowly about 35 minutes before three, this was good as all the butts were in the seats by 3 PM. The ceremony was interesting. They bestowed an Honarary degree on an alumni that had among other things argued Loving vs. Virginia at the Supreme Court.
The second honorary degree was for Jerome Powell. I guess if you speak you get a degree. Note to self, don't waste time on school, just talk at the commencement. Due to Jerome being COVID positive, he attended remotely, or more precicely, pre-recorded. He had an interesting speech which didn't go too long where we learned he is a Rocky Horror fan and knows the time warp. Not sure what the market will do with this tidbit.
To conclude,they had the JDs stand and the degrees were confirmed en masse. I wonder if the registrar was watching live so that they could make it official right way. I am thinking no, and that it will be several weeks before they actual show as graduates in the school system.