Saturday, March 14, 2020

Keeping our distance

We had scheduled a trip for last week and decided to cancel with the spread of the pandemic.  It may have been an abundance of caution but figured we did not want to become a vector.  The plane still needs to run to keep it healthy and so do we.  We try to be efficient so we combined the activities.

We flew up to Jekyll Island again this morning.  The weather was perfect and we parked and headed out to walk from the airport to the foot of the causeway. 

We were able to do this while avoiding close contact with people.  It seemed a bit lighter on the tourists though there were not many spaces left when we arrived at the airport.

The walk down the West shore is quite nice.  We have walked up to the club several times but never further South.  Initially we had lots of gnats but we finally got a gentle breeze and they had enough and landed.

There was a wedding set up at the club so some events are proceeding.

Lots of wildlife out "Squirrel".  I also enjoy the Spanish moss on the trees.

I took a bunch of pictures with the new camera.  I am enjoying the smaller lighter package.

When I looked at the weather I thought it might be a bit cool but it quickly warmed today and our light clothe and sunscreen were a good idea.

The flight back was as smooth as the one up, small plane air traffic does not seem impacted yet.

Annual starts next week so I will be grounded for a few weeks soon.  Will have to drive to my long walks. 

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