Monday, April 10, 2023

Life is a Cabaret

When we landed Thursday it was close to 90 degrees out, walking back from the play that night it was down to 60. Luckily we had remembered Jackets. So that front we had raced had come through and  dumped a bunch of rain just before the show, it was then supposed to leave.  But it decided to hang around and drip on us Friday morning.  Should have been a hint that the forecasts were all wrong.  We braved the rain and walked down to the Air and Space Museum where I had reserved some entry passes, it still is being refurbished so it is only half of the museum.

The Air and Space is always fun but the experience changes.  As a child when I visited, I dreamed of some day flying a plane. This visit I had flown my plane to get there, so it was a different perspective.  I also knew most of the exhibits without reading the labels.   After finishing we hopped over to the natural history museum, Samantha wanted us to look at the rocks, must be a civil engineering thing.

The combination of the holiday weekend, spring break and the rain had made the museum a zoo. They do have some nice rocks like the Hope diamond and other jewelry. They also had some massive Crystals and other colored rocks. We decided to head out and get some coffee and then took a nice stroll through the city.

We did drop in on the national Portrait Gallery. It’s a cool building (Atrium below) and I enjoyed the Presidential Gallery the most. They had all the presidents along with some history for each. The early Presidents had it good, without photography, they could have the artist depict them as they wished. Sorta like early Instagram filters. We picked up some nice Sushi for dinner and then being the favored candidate for Father of the Year, we went to the play a second night and Samantha again stole the show, you didn't see that coming.

We met Samantha the next morning so she could shop her local farmers market. I am all for farm to table but the apples were more than twice the cost at Safeway so you sorta wonder if it’s a great model of efficiency.

After shopping we were off for a hike. Samantha had chosen Great Falls park. It’s an easy fall, it was a longer walk from the car to the visitor center than on to the falls. They have 3 fall views and they tell you that they get better the further you go.

My personal opinion was that view 2 was the best.  Not only did we have the water to watch, there were some kayakers running the falls and providing some great entertainment.  After the viewing, we headed out for a hike, Sam said the river trail was 30 minutes and really flat. We need to work on her definition of flat and her perception of time.  It was rather rocky and close to an hour.

After the hike we grabbed some ice cream and then it was back to town where we helped her with some chores and I started looking at our way home. I was not liking what I was seeing.  The good weather we had been promised by the forecasters had a big asterisk.

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