Monday, January 4, 2021

A cut above

Sunday started with some marginal weather which actually made me feel a bit better about having a work meeting at noon.  Once done with my call though, I looked out and the sky had begun to turn blue.

I decided it was time for the proverbial Sunday ride in the country.  We have been watching that ship in the Brunswick sound for quite a while and I saw on the news they had actually made a cut and removed a piece.  We headed up to Saint Simons to see for ourselves. 

While they had removed a piece and actually made another cut, most of the ship was still there. You can see in this picture the cut and how the section has been moved away from the main section and lifted slightly.

It was actually a pretty busy day up at SSI with a good bit of local traffic.  Luckily they were all arrivals when we showed up and they were using runway 22 which kept us well separated.  We also stayed up at 1500' to provide some extra margin.  On our second circle a Baron was departing but we modified our turns to stay well away and provide him plenty of room for his departure and turn North.

The excitement is now at the stern which left a nice view of the bow cut.  You can clearly see the cars still scattered between the decks.

After 2 times around, we headed South and enjoyed the views on our ride home.  Taking apart the ship is taking longer than originally planned but it does appear that they will be able to slice it up like they said.

There were a slew of small boats that looked like they were trying to manage the debris.  Hopefully they can complete the job without making an ecological disaster.

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